After experimenting with a few different styles and slowly figuring out what I want to dig deeper into, I have found that I enjoy creating and think it shows my theme - how the internet and today's technology can be scary with what can be done with it - very well. creating scenes that feel real but shouldn't be possible; as well as scenes that seem realistic putting you in that position. This is the fear I wish to instill in the observer, using the hyper realism of a scene that builds anxiety and tension. To do this I also wish to go down the path of motion and animation, I will start off with simple movement of the camera and lighting, however I wish to extend this further in the future.
With this new focus I have looked around for some artists and pieces that more closely link to my new realigned style, which I have put below.
The Albert Manor - Kurt Kupser (Unreal Engine 4)
The Albert Manor - Kurt Kupser (Unreal Engine 4)
The Albert Manor - Kurt Kupser (Unreal Engine 4)
The Albert Manor - Kurt Kupser (Unreal Engine 4)
A scene based off a part of the film "Joker"
A scene based off a part of the film "Joker"
In my search for artists and images to reference, I came a cross multiple artists who are 3D modelling artists that work for "CD project Red". CDPR are a game company that have released a recent game called Cyberpunk 2077 based around the character who explores the city with its highly advanced technology whilst still having huge poverty and drug related issues that you could expect from a country of an undeveloped country.
These dark scenes with single lights is exactly what I wish to achieve in my own pieces, and the overall composition of the scenes is exceptional as well. These are things that I would love to add to my own style. The only thing that I would change is the fact I want to push that sense of fear even further by sticking even closer to the real world, so I would not go for a hugely futuristic scene unless I was adding for the unnerving aspect.
The last image in this list is not from cyberpunk, it is another artist's work, which is based of a scene from the new Joker movie. However, I believe it follows the style I wish to produce well and obtains a slight sense of that fear aspect.
Now that I have this idea of fear and causing it with tense but realistic scenes, It helped me look for examples and tutorials on how to use Blender better for the purpose I now have. With this I found a tutorial by a well known youtuber called "Blender Guru" (Real name is Andrew Price) who creates lots of blender tutorials on a wide range of things that can be done in blender and different styles with those tools. one of his tutorials that he created shows the complete recreation of an image of a subway, which he then animated a flickering light as well as camera movement. I plan to start a piece that follows heavily from this piece and its style to learn tools that I can use in more of my own pieces.
In the tutorial on the left the first few seconds of the video are the final render and animation that the tutorial led to (A choppy gif of the same animation is below). one aspect he also uses is sound, that I believe can be very important for building tension so one I have created this scene I plan to experiment with video editing afterwards to add sound.
I also found a gif and final image he has uploaded to his artstation page

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